
OPNsense 16.1 Released

jan 28, 2016

Welcome back! No, we would not say it was easy getting here, but booting into 16.1 for the first time sure is as relieving (and exciting) as it could get for our project growing beyond what we had ever imagined. It has been more than a year since OPNsense first came out. Back then it […]

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OPNsense 15.7.25 Released

jan 18, 2016

Hi everyone, This is good-bye. 6 months have passed and 15.7 has served us well. In only 10 days 16.1 will be out and it is looking shiny. Please study the end of life announcement on the firmware page before attempting to upgrade to the next version. As such, we have incorporated all of the […]

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OPNsense 15.7.24 Released

jan 11, 2016

Happy new year everyone, We’re back, and we have a lot of neat changes and security updates for you. Most notably, the firewall pages received a lot of subtle tweaks to improve user experience. Secondly, the firmware pages gained the plugins management feature. And last but not least, the kernel and base upgrade gained better […]

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OPNsense 15.7.23 Released

dec 23, 2015

Dearest friends and followers, As the end of the year 2015 is nearing, we push one last update. And it’s been a hell of a year! This is actually the 49th official update we’re releasing, so that gives you the idea of how serious we were about “once a week”. The major upgrade 16.1 is […]

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OPNsense 15.7.22 Released

dec 09, 2015

Howdy partners, So here are OpenSSL 1.0.2e and LibreSSL 2.2.5, finally! 15.7.22 itself is only tweaks and minor fixes. We take it as a good sign that there were no “oh no what did you do to the menu” complaints in the past week. Nobody missed the RRD graphs either. You guys are really cool. […]

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OPNsense 15.7.20 Released

nov 25, 2015

It’s Patch day with lots of news OPNsense 15.7.20 Released Hello fellows, Today we proudly present to you 15.7.20, which includes several improvements and fixes in all areas. Notable from a development perspective are the opnsense-bootstrap tool, which can install the latest OPNsense version on a FreeBSD 10.1. Additionally, the development branch offers a sneak […]

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Inline Intrusion Prevention

nov 25, 2015

Inline Intrusion Prevention OPNsense Development Getting Ready for 16.1… As we are all getting ready for the next major release of OPNsense with lots of new features and enhancements I’d like to give you a heads-up on the inline Intrusion Prevention System. “Future” Developments Although on the roadmap for “Future” development and listed as Layer7/DPI […]

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OPNsense 15.7.19 Released

nov 16, 2015

Hi there, Time for the weekly update. 🙂 15.7.19 is a smaller maintenance release with a backend switch for IPsec reporting and a couple of minor fixes. With the help of the community, we’re also improving the consistency of the GUI translation with more commits already in the works. Notable from a development version perspective […]

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New images based on 15.7.18

nov 10, 2015

Dear followers and friends, We’re releasing new images! It’s nothing special as we recommend the weekly online updates, but in case you don’t want to go through the trouble of installing something older than it should be, the new 15.7.18 images are for you. People sometimes wonder why we don’t provide images all the time. […]

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OPNsense 15.7.18 Released

nov 04, 2015

Good day everyone, It took a while to track down a NTP regression with FreeBSD that turned out to be a flaw in the kernel itself. That’s now fixed for all FreeBSD versions. Thanks everyone for helping out here again. 🙂 This update brings quite a few fixes, especially with regard to VMware and Xen […]

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