
OPNsense version 15.1.8 Released

mrt 25, 2015

Hello friends, after an extended low profile period we are back in business with the latest and greatest 15.1.8. You’ll notice that we have incorporated the recent OpenSSL security advisories along with a larger number of fixes and cleanups. But there’s more. We have pushed the bulk load of our new configuration handling code which […]

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OPNsense version Released

mrt 13, 2015

Hello again, this week has been really quiet just like last week so we give you another tiny stable update in the style of “click-click-click-done”. Most notably, we’ve tracked down two issues with the package database being unavailable, resulting in “no updates available” situations. Thanks again to everyone who helped to debug and test this […]

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OPNsense version Released

mrt 09, 2015

Good morning everyone, as things mature and confidence grows we are trying something new today: a lightweight and online-only stable update that addresses numerous GUI bugs uncovered by our users. We hope to continue this trend and thus keep asking for all kinds of feedback through the usual communication channels. Let’s build a better OPNsense […]

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OPNsense version 15.1.7 Released

feb 28, 2015

Hello everyone, we are saddened by the news of Leonard Nimoy passing away. He has been an inspiration for many of us ever since Star Trek first flickered over the TV screens and all the years thereafter. What a strange world we’d live in if it weren’t for him? Thank you, Leonard, 15.1.7 is being […]

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OPNsense version Released

feb 23, 2015

Hello everyone, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUICK UPDATE: A regression sneaked into the release that renders the console unusable when “System: Advanced: Admin Access: Console menu protection” is being disabled. As far as we can see, this does not effect anything but the console login so you should be able to log back in and recheck the option […]

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Request For Testing: OPNsense on FreeBSD 10.1

feb 16, 2015

Hi folks, first of all thank you all for giving us a fair chance. We appreciate all comments, feedback, worries and questions. Don’t hesitate to contact us here or in various other places (see below). As most of you know FreeBSD 10.0 is approaching End Of Life at the end of this month. OPNsense is […]

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OPNsense version 15.1.5 Released

feb 10, 2015

Howdy everyone, We shifted the release back a couple of days to discuss current progress and the feedback we’ve gotten and directly review the release process — it seems to be clean enough. 😉 We’ve updated the bug trackers, added a couple of wiki pages and related articles with more on roadmap refinement on the […]

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OPNsense version 15.1.4 Released

feb 02, 2015

Hello everyone, So this has been January: an interview on BSDnow, amd64 and i386 images, +150 followers on Twitter, +3000 downloads and five releases. Yes, five. We proudly announce our next stable cut: It has been quite calm on the ports side of things, but there have been many commits in the core adding up […]

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OPNsense version 15.1.3 released

jan 26, 2015

Keep up to date This week we took PHP’s stable update as a subtle hint to release another stable cut. Here are the most prominent changes: * notable package upgrades: php 5.6.5 and friends, pkg 1.4.7 * added a dropdown searchbox for interfaces in rules screen * fixed the missing theme issue when importing older […]

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OPNsense version 15.1.2 Released

jan 19, 2015

It’s all about security! This weekend we released our latests version of OPNsense, only one week after 15.1.1 As we promised we will keep up the rapid pace of development as we proceed to out next major release in July. The focus of this intermediate release is fixing security vulnerabilities in OpenSSL. Changelog 15.1.1 -> […]

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