OPNsense 19.7.8 released
Ho ho ho,
A number of updates including security and reliability fixes inside. Of
note is the new elliptic curve certificate creation support and better
firmware health check and recovery methods.
We are almost at the point of a 20.1-BETA release with an isolated images
for early bird testing as a special present at this time of year. Stay
tuned. 🙂
Here are the full patch notes:
o system: "Mark Gateway as Down" also means exclude from default gateway selection
o system: fix PHP warning on gateways list due to wrong variable scope
o system: support elliptic curve TLS certificate creation (contributed by johnaheadley)
o system: remove unused current directory PHP include
o system: fix XSS in backup page and static menu pages
o firewall: use referential integrity check for model data
o reporting: improve NetFlow error handling (contributed by Frank Brendel)
o dhcp: always add dhcp6.domain-search and dhcp6.name-servers (contributed by maurice-w)
o dhcp: fix range check for advanced router advertisement options (contributed by maurice-w)
o dhcp: improve help texts for router advertisement modes (contributed by maurice-w)
o dhcp: replace defunct IPv6 domain name option with domain search list option (contributed by maurice-w)
o dhcp: fix storing advanced IPv6 options
o firmware: add "copy to clipboard" button in update text box
o firmware: use opnsense-revert in GUI reinstall package case
o firmware: when storing installed plugin names remove their development counterparts
o firmware: improved health check scope to include direct core package dependencies
o openvpn: fix Firefox "nowrap" issue in client export page
o backend: improve error handling while configd is either not active or not functional
o mvc: route to default page when controller or action not found
o mvc: field type refactor and unit tests
o mvc: added opt-in referential integrity check for models
o mvc: countless PSR12 style updates
o mvc: add "NetMaskAllowed" option to validate on single addresses in NetworkField
o plugins: os-bind 1.11[1]
o plugins: os-dyndns 1.18 adds Linode support (contributed by eAndrew Gunnerson)
o plugins: os-freeradius 1.9.5[2]
o plugins: os-frr 1.13[3]
o plugins: os-ftp-proxy style updates only
o plugins: os-postfix 1.13[4]
o plugins: os-rspamd 1.9[5]
o plugins: os-theme-cicada 1.23 (contributed by Team Rebellion)
o plugins: os-theme-tukan 1.22 (contributed by Team Rebellion)
o ports: ca_root_nss 3.48
o ports: krb5 1.17.1[6]
o ports: php 7.2.25[7]
o ports: suricata 4.1.6[8]
o ports: unbound 1.9.5[9]
Stay safe,
Your OPNsense team
[1] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/blob/master/dns/bind/pkg-descr
[2] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/blob/master/net/freeradius/pkg-descr
[3] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/blob/master/net/frr/pkg-descr
[4] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/blob/master/mail/postfix/pkg-descr
[5] https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/blob/master/mail/rspamd/pkg-descr
[6] https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/krb5-1.17/
[7] https://www.php.net/ChangeLog-7.php#7.2.25
[8] https://suricata-ids.org/2019/12/13/suricata-4-1-6-released/
[9] https://nlnetlabs.nl/projects/unbound/download/